Account manager

The Key Bridge user account manager is build upon a forked version of the Sun Microsystems (now Oracle) OpenSSO Enterprise platform. This system has been extended to include aspects of the Open Provisioning ToolKit (OpenPTK) plus many other proprietary extensions including support for the OAuth and OpenId machine-to-machine authentication protocols.


Supports multiple user and client application authentication methods including public / private cryptographic keys, basic username + password, shared secret.


Provides fine grained entitlement to public, private, free and commercial portals, API services and other online resources.


Securely authenticates across domain boundaries with enterprise clients using standard identity protocols.

validationSingle sign-on (SSO)

Supports cross-domain SSO for organizations and SSO across multiple organizations through Federation Services.

User account manager provides a comprehensive, standards-based authentication and entitlements foundation for users, web clients and native applications.

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